package scales.xml.serializers

import scales.xml._

import dsl.DslBuilder

import scales.utils._

 * Status of stream processing

case class StreamStatus(output : XmlOutput, thrown: Option[Throwable] = None, isEmpty : Boolean = false)

 * Provides basis for serialisation of streams.
object StreamSerializer {
  import ScalesXml._

  val dummy = Left(Elem("dummy"l))
  val dummyIterable : Iterable[PullType] = List(dummy)

   * Pushes a single PullType to the given output, requires pairing of events
  def pump(event: (PullType, PullType), out: XmlOutput, serializer: Serializer) : (XmlOutput, Option[Throwable]) = {

   * Pushes a single PullType to the given output, requires pairing of events.
   * If status.thrown is defined status is returned
  def pump(event: (PullType, PullType), status : StreamStatus, serializer: Serializer) : StreamStatus = {
    // shadow it

    import status.output.{serializerF => defaultSerializerFactory}
    import status.{output, isEmpty}

    if (status.thrown.isDefined) status
    else {
      val (ev, next) = event
      ev match {
	case Left(i: XmlItem) =>
	  StreamStatus(output, serializer.item(i, output.path), false)
	case Left(x: Elem) =>
	  // if next is an end elem then its an empty

	  if (next.isRight) {

	    // x.namespaces can't be used any further

	    val nc = doElement(x,
	    StreamStatus(output, serializer.emptyElement(, x.attributes, nc.declMap, nc.addDefault, :: output.path), true) // let us know to ignore the next end

	  } else {
	    val npath = :: output.path

	    val nc = doElement(x,
	    StreamStatus(output.copy(currentMappings = output.currentMappings.push(nc.mappings), path = npath),
	      serializer.startElement(, x.attributes, nc.declMap, nc.addDefault, npath), false)
	case Right(endElem) =>
	  if (isEmpty)
	    StreamStatus(output, None, false)
	    // pop the last ones

	    StreamStatus(output.copy(currentMappings = output.currentMappings.pop,
				     path = output.path.tail), 
	      serializer.endElement(, output.path), false)


 * Provides a base class for steam handling
class StreamSerializer[T](toP : T => Iterator[PullType]) extends SerializeableXml[T] {
  import StreamSerializer._ 
   * Override to provide an actual doc
  def doc(it: T) : DocLike = EmptyDoc()
  def apply(itT: T)(out: XmlOutput, serializer: Serializer): (XmlOutput, Option[Throwable]) = {
    // 2.10 forces implicits at copy use site NOT at declaration site

    import out.serializerF

    val it = toP(itT)
    // left of the sequence is our actual, 

    val r = it.++(dummyIterable.iterator).sliding(2).foldLeft(StreamStatus(out)) {  (status, two) =>
      if (status.thrown.isDefined) status
      else {
	val asList = two.toList
	if (!((asList.size == 1) && (asList.head eq dummy))) { // only == 1 with an empty input Iterator

	  val List(ev, next) = asList
	  pump((ev, next), status, serializer)
	} else StreamStatus(status.output, Some(NoDataInStream()), true)
    (r.output, r.thrown)

 * SerializeableXml instances for the core types
trait SerializerImplicits {

   * Serializes an XmlTree

  implicit val treeSerializeable: SerializeableXml[XmlTree] = new SerializeableXml[XmlTree] {
    def doc(it: XmlTree) = Doc(it)
    def apply(it: XmlTree)(out: XmlOutput, serializer: Serializer): (XmlOutput, Option[Throwable]) = {
      // 2.10 forces implicits at copy use site NOT at declaration site

      import out.serializerF

      fold[XmlItem, Elem, XCC, (XmlOutput, Option[Throwable])]((out, None)) { (iorsw, pair) =>
        val (output, y) = pair

        if (y.isDefined) pair
          iorsw match {
            case Left(item) => (output, serializer.item(item, output.path))
            case Right(walk) =>
              val x = walk.section
              if (!walk.hasChildren) {

                // x.namespaces can't be used any further

                val nc = doElement(x,
                (output, serializer.emptyElement(, x.attributes, nc.declMap, nc.addDefault, :: output.path))
              } else {
                if (walk.isStart) {

                  val npath = :: output.path

                  val nc = doElement(x,
                  (output.copy(currentMappings = output.currentMappings.push(nc.mappings),
                    path = npath),
                    serializer.startElement(, x.attributes, nc.declMap, nc.addDefault, npath))
                } else {
                  // pop the last ones

                  (output.copy(currentMappings = output.currentMappings.pop,
                    path = output.path.tail), serializer.endElement(, output.path))
  } }

   * Serializes a DslBuilder

  implicit val builderSerializeable : SerializeableXml[DslBuilder] = new SerializeableXml[DslBuilder] {
    def doc(it: DslBuilder) = Doc(it.toTree)
    def apply(it: DslBuilder)(out: XmlOutput, serializer: Serializer): (XmlOutput, Option[Throwable]) = treeSerializeable(it.toTree)(out, serializer)

   * Serializes a Doc (Wrapped XmlTree)

  implicit val docSerializeable : SerializeableXml[Doc]= new SerializeableXml[Doc] {
    def doc(it: Doc) = it
    def apply(it: Doc)(out: XmlOutput, serializer: Serializer): (XmlOutput, Option[Throwable]) = treeSerializeable(it.rootElem)(out, serializer)
   * Simple Elem serializer

  implicit val elemSerializable : SerializeableXml[Elem] = new SerializeableXml[Elem] {
    def doc(it: Elem) = Doc(DslBuilder.elem2tree(it))
    def apply(it: Elem)(out: XmlOutput, serializer: Serializer): (XmlOutput, Option[Throwable]) = treeSerializeable(DslBuilder.elem2tree(it))(out, serializer)

   * Serializes an Xml Stream

  implicit val streamSerializeable: SerializeableXml[Iterator[PullType]] = new StreamSerializer(identity)

   * Serializes an XmlPull

  implicit val pullCloseableOnlySerializeable: SerializeableXml[CloseablePull] = new StreamSerializer[CloseablePull](identity){
    override def doc(it: CloseablePull) = it

   * Serializes an XmlPull Resource

  implicit val pullOnlySerializeable: SerializeableXml[XmlPull] = new StreamSerializer[XmlPull](identity) {
    override def doc(it: XmlPull) = it

   * Serializes an Iterator and DocLike

  implicit val pullAndDocSerializeable: SerializeableXml[(Iterator[PullType], DocLike)] = new StreamSerializer[(Iterator[PullType], DocLike)](_._1) {
    override def doc(it: (Iterator[PullType], DocLike)) = it._2
