Folding Xml

Scales Xml provides a unique transformation option based on the premise of XmlPaths having document order. It is therefore possible to navigate between two paths. If we can do that then we can transform lists of paths within a same document by folding over them.

Once a given path is modified it effectively refers to a new Xml tree, the trick is then to move the zipper to the next paths relative position in the old document.

A number of transformations are available based on FoldOperation:

AsIs and ReplaceWith deserve explanation before examples. When performing transformations it is often useful to query or test against the resulting nodes, if the node should not be changed then AsIs() will make the fold a no-op.

ReplaceWith effectively allows nested folds which an important part of the composing transformations.

PathFoldR - Catchy Result Type

The PathFoldR type is a (for Xml):

  XmlPath => Either[XmlPath, FoldError] // Either is the FoldR

Each foldPosition call is then resulting in either a new XmlPath or a reason as to why the transformation could not complete. Valid reasons are:


The below examples will use the following base xml and definitions:

  val ns = Namespace("test:uri")
  val nsa = Namespace("test:uri:attribs")
  val nsp = nsa.prefixed("pre")

  val builder = 
    ns("Elem") /@ (nsa("pre", "attr1") -> "val1",
      	    	   "attr2" -> "val2",
		   nsp("attr3") -> "val3") /(
      "Mixed Content",
      ns("Child2") /( ns("Subchild") ~> "text" )

For a full set examples see the DslBuilderTests.scala.

Adding Children

The following example will add nodes around the existing nodes:

  val nodes = top(builder) \* // Child, Child2

  val res = foldPositions( nodes  ){
    case path if (!path.hasPreviousSibling) => AddBefore("start"l)
    case path if (!path.hasNextSibling) => AddAfter("end"l)
    // will throw a MatchError if no _ see AsIs


Will return the following XML (formatting added for readability):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Elem xmlns="test:uri" xmlns:pre="test:uri:attribs" pre:attr3="val3" attr2="val2" pre:attr1="val1">
  <start xmlns=""/>
  Mixed Content
  <end xmlns=""/>


In the Adding Children section we've left a possible match error, for example, if we choose not to act on the last child:

  // oops, surprising
  val res = foldPositions( nodes  ){
    case path if (!path.hasPreviousSibling) => AddBefore("start"l)
    // will throw a MatchError

However AsIs can be used to make sure we take normal actions if we have no match:

  val res = foldPositions( nodes  ){
    case path if (!path.hasPreviousSibling) => AddBefore("start"l)
    case _ => AsIs



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Elem xmlns="test:uri" xmlns:pre="test:uri:attribs" pre:attr3="val3" attr2="val2" pre:attr1="val1">
  <start xmlns=""/>
  Mixed Content

Removing Children

In this example we'll remove the SubChild element:

  val nodes = top(builder) \\* ns("Subchild") // Subchild

  val res = foldPositions( nodes  ){
    _ => Remove()



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Elem xmlns="test:uri" xmlns:pre="test:uri:attribs" pre:attr3="val3" attr2="val2" pre:attr1="val1">
  <start xmlns=""/>
  Mixed Content

Replacing Children

This example changes the text in Subchild:

  val nodes = top(builder). \\*(ns("Subchild")). \+.text // Subchild

  val res = foldPositions( nodes  ){
    _ => Replace("another value")



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Elem xmlns="test:uri" xmlns:pre="test:uri:attribs" pre:attr3="val3" attr2="val2" pre:attr1="val1">
  <start xmlns=""/>
  Mixed Content
  <Child2>another value</Child2>

Composing Transformations

Transformations, like the rest of Scales, should also be composable. It is possible to chain transformations allowing some to fail if they can't find matches - NoPaths - (|) to find matches or stopping at the earliest failure (&).

In addition they can be nested, performing transformations within transformations (ReplaceWith).

ReplaceWith - Nested

ReplaceWith aims to mimic the nesting of matching templates in xslt (via call-template) whereas using the pattern matcher directly more closely resembles apply-templates.

Using this replace as a basis:

  // for every child element add a text child that contains the qname of the elem
  def addTextNodes( op : XmlPath ) =
    foldPositions( op.\* ) { 
      p => Replace( p.tree / qname(p) ) 

  val allReplaced = addTextNodes( top(builder) )



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Elem xmlns="test:uri" xmlns:pre="test:uri:attribs" pre:attr3="val3" attr2="val2" pre:attr1="val1">
  <start xmlns=""/>
  Mixed Content

Now we can replace just the Subchild with:


 val nodes = top(builder). \\*(ns("Child2"))
 val res = foldPositions( nodes  ){
   _ => ReplaceWith(x => addTextNodes(top(x.tree)))


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Elem xmlns="test:uri" xmlns:pre="test:uri:attribs" pre:attr3="val3" attr2="val2" pre:attr1="val1">
  Mixed Content

& - Fail Early

The "and" chained transformation will stop when it hits any failure.

Using the same base document as before:

  val wontFindAnyNodes = ( op : XmlPath ) =>
    foldPositions( op \* ns("NotAChild") ) { 
      p => Replace( p.tree / qname(p) ) 

  val willFindANode = ( op : XmlPath ) =>
    foldPositions( op \* ns("Child2") ) { 
      p => Replace( p.tree / qname(p) ) 

  val root = top(builder)

  val combined = wontFindAnyNodes & willFindANode

  val noPaths = combined( root ) // Will be Right(NoPaths)


  val alsoFindsANode = ( op : XmlPath ) =>
    foldPositions( op \* ns("Child") ) { 
      p => Replace( p.tree / qname(p) ) 

  val andOk = willFindANode & alsoFindsANode

  val result = andOk( root )



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Elem xmlns="test:uri" xmlns:pre="test:uri:attribs" pre:attr3="val3" attr2="val2" pre:attr1="val1">
  Mixed Content

| - Try The Next

The "or" chained transformation will try the next transformation if NoPaths is returned. This allows safe chaining always passing the result through until the first failing transformation.

Using the examples from & above:

  val orWorks = wontFindAnyNodes | willFindANode

  val orResult = orWorks( root )



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Elem xmlns="test:uri" xmlns:pre="test:uri:attribs" pre:attr3="val3" attr2="val2" pre:attr1="val1">
  Mixed Content

Scales Xml 0.5.0

Generated Documentation

Documentation Highlights

First Steps
Xml Model
Accessing and Querying Data
Parsing XML
Serializing & Transforming XML
Xml Equality
Technical Details